
Below Average
2 stars based on
6 Reviews

Weekly Blitz

Eastern Commercial Complex
3rd Floor, Suite # 308
73 Kakrail, Dhaka -1000, Bangladesh.
Opening Hour
Saturday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Monday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Friday Closed

Google Map Location

Weekly Blitz started its journey in 2003, under the leadership of award winning anti-Jihadist journalist Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, with the commitment of providing unbiased and un-twisted news and views to its readers. When the entire Muslim presses in hostile towards Semitism, West and the Israel, we have been upholding our editorial policy of fighting such tendencies thus promoting inter-faith harmony.
We are the only anti-Jihadist newspaper in the Muslim world, confronting religious extremism and Jihad. Due to our editorial policy, Weekly Blitz came under attack of religious fanatics and political hoodlums in Bangladesh on a number of times. Till date, though we already have attained the position as the largest periodical in Bangladesh, local advertisers refrain from placing advertisements with us fearing reaction from the Muslim fanatics. Number of readers of our online edition is several folds higher than any other Bangladeshi weekly newspapers or periodicals or even large segment of the dailies.
In today's world, Weekly Blitz is considered as the only source of unbiased and untwisted information in the entire Muslim world. Millions of readers trust Weekly Blitz, just because we have the courage of telling the truth when rest of the Muslim press greatly lack editorial neutrality.

  1. Not Good

    This blog publishes only fake news and controversies. I found no real news.

  2. Not Good

    If it is possible to give a Zero or negative star, this newspaper one. They wrote an article about our company in UK and said it’s a Shell company and its FCA registration is a rubber stamp because corruption is widespread in UK. I contacted the owner Mr Choudhry; he was very arrogant and insisted their article was correct. His own profile on Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salah_Choudhury) looks very dodgy. He is pretending to be an authority in UK regulations and AML compliance, but it’s obvious he is just out to get money publishing such false articles about UK companies - be careful of him

  3. Not Good

    Just notice their article's language. Totally unethical and out of standard media led by an unmasked fraud. A Bangladeshi media and all about preaching US and Israel make it clear.

  4. Very Good

    It's good. I've gone through some of news in 2010 and I was convinced that it's having the guts to take any type of risk to unearth the truth.

  5. Not Good

    Its a scam newspaper

  6. Very Good

    It's a distinctively different newspaper in the Muslim world. Contains hundreds of informative and useful articles and reports especially on radical Islam and terrorism. BTW, office address of this newspaper shown here are old one. They have shifted to a new location.

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