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Unique Business Systems Ltd.

House # 75 (Grd & 1st Floor), Road # 6, Block-C, Banani, Dhaka-1213.
Opening Hour
Saturday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Monday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Friday Closed

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A Seminar on “ Unique Digi Class Room” held on today June 3,2012 at 4pm in the Main Campus of Daffodil International University (DIU), Dhaka. Unique Business System Limited(UBSL) the local distributor of Hitachi digital learning Product, Bangladesh, has organized the seminar to share the Digital Class Room concept through Interactive White Board with the Students and the teachers so as the press. Habiba Nasreen Rita, Director Operation of UBSL was present at the seminar as chief guest where Dr. Akhter Hossain,PHD, Head of CSE, DIU , Mr. Jahidul Karim,PSE, DIU were also present at the seminar as special guest. The keynote speech was delivered by Rokibul Islam, corporate manager UBSL .On his Keynote speech he describe about the implementation of Interactive White Board in education what is one step closer towards digital Bangladesh vision. He also focus on the intrinsic worth of using interactive whiteboard both in education and business. Mr. Sujon, Head of IT , UBSL was conducted the technical session where he show how the interactive white board do work. He also demonstrate the technology and its implement in lesson learning for teachers and students. By using this device the teachers can save & print the lesson like computer what can save their time and money , more over he show how the teacher can enjoy the opportunity to use their finger or pen like chalk. I just enjoy the technology, surely this kind of digital device help us to make the students feel interesting on their study. It help the teachers also by making their job easy, the intellectual pen and the save option of the writings what we need to erase from the blackboard to write something new it has impressed me a lot. I also do believe to maximize the use of technology and make e learning concept a success the Teachers also need to trained themselves with the technology and surely this seminar give me the opportunity to make myself introduced with this interesting technology—said Prof. Dr. Akhter Hossain on his speech as special guest of the seminar. On her Speech as chief guest Ms. Habiba Nasreen said that “ Our mission is to aware the teachers and the students so as the country people about the beauty of this digital learning. We are doing this road show specially in the academy so that our young generation may have the opportunity to know and touch the technology what encourage them in e-learning. Unique Business Systems Limited has been working on Digi Class Room not only to promote the technology but also doing it as their social responsibility, added Ms. Nasrin. She also said that. Digital Education will build the Digital Citizen who will run the digital business so as the Digital Government. To restructure the Educational system and maximize the use of technology helps to meet the challenge of digital education and this Interactive White Board could be a good Solution here. She also declare that they are going to do such kind of knowledge sharing session around the country and this seminar is just a beginning of it. This board is very much updated with the latest technology and very much user friendly. Interactive whiteboards affect learning in several ways, including raising the level of student engagement in a classroom, motivating students and promoting enthusiasm for learning. Interactive whiteboards support many different learning styles and are used in a variety of learning environments, including those catering to students with hearing and visual impairments—added Ms.Nasrin A number of students and journalists were present at the Seminar. The seminar were ended with a Question & Answer session by the audience. The Monthly TechWorld Bangladesh was the Media Partner of the seminar.

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