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Sunday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Monday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Tuesday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Wednesday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Thursday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Friday | Closed |
Why this weekThe two-year ajababadihitamulaka an unconstitutional government Authoritarian sasanamala Cut out a selection of recent transmission in our country has been established. So we got back to our country as a citizen of the Republic, the state, society, economy, etc., and the exact path of democratic development with allowance for all the legal rights to nirbighe œ.This is a very valuable citizen adhikaratake we think it needs to be further expanded. Social and democratic state into a formal, national security, economic prosperity and balanced development, susiksara span, improve health, environment, etc., for the development of people within the society concerned pranakhola argue - debate is needed. Summary of Political Thought, and Development - Philosophy, etc., with a discontinuity, even ajanapriya, creative political thought and philosophy, sometimes brutal, intellectual debate - the debate without a country, its society and economy to ensure a positive quality promotion. Expanding expression of civil rights society in this debate - debate the issue of the effect of management. Bangladesh is no exception in the history of this opportunity is not inexorable.But the society, and economy of the state of the consideration prayasi qualitative change - the need for a common intellectual platform for debate, active, thoughtful citizens of the respective societies with other others working for the regular review and feedback can be presented. The international world of important political, economic, and cultural events that our local politics, economy and culture affects, or apratyakse pratyakse, and the domestic - and foreign concept to be fully intelligent analysis about the society, the globalization of contemporary reality duniyabyapi led us to the synchronous smooth pathacala complex world of motion - the type of atmastha become essential today. Debate on these important international events - the debate also served to keep the existence of anibarrya become a common intellectual stage. Bengali language, a weekly newspaper published in the mainstream of our citizens for mananasila yogate Such a platform may, in their national and international thinking on mananasila paumche may approach the end of the larger society.In this sense, motivation and focus to the effort from a weekly paper. 'Wednesday' name,It will be published every week on Wednesday.Management of the state 'general intention' commitment to the sovereignty, at least kaguje any politician, political parties and individuals will be significantly different ideas on Wednesday, but his limited perspective on the common party politics. Because we, on the organizers, samastika experience is Ñ janasbarthaparayana a great democratic ideology bibarjita gross capacity related rapt country the greater the political parties of our whole society to artificially split the already very vertically Ñ that our society and the state's democratic transformation prayasi free and mananasila debate - the debate was a devastating obstacle to impersonate it.Our family, society and the state Democratic glibly meditation - the concepts of the day slogana pronounced, but still contains the substance of the Authoritarian culture of each organization. The natural superiority of men and women and families on the male point of view of production and punarutpadana, the most vulnerable in society are strong alpansa khabaradari, the state where the political power of the majority of beneficiaries baliyana alpansa subidhahinera eyes constantly on the Constitution and laws designed ranaya itself - despite the law. Any defendant against injustice and inequity of these initiatives on the state's ability to frequently launch of its all nipiranamulaka.It's not a democracy. Democratic Republic of the state and its citizens can not continue on this sbairatantrikata. Rich - the poor, women - all male citizens regardless of social, economic and political empowerment of the people to ensure that the underlying 'human' creativity, it is commendable that the full development of a democratic system anbista. However, our drunk brute strength to resist the political sphere is divided into narrow and democracy in the vast human potential - the review was unfamiliar with the term. Essential to the intellectual development of democracy in the country to better handle the needs acalayatanake, and ordained to the party and the narrowness of the group's efforts on intellectual birajita. Wednesday, part of the prayaserai.Our current initiative is timely, but inadequate. We hope that in future it will be more independent and concurrent initiatives with us. This limited led us to attempt to accelerate the possibilities.
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