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PRISM Bangladesh

House # 49, Road # 4A
Dhanmondi Residential Area
Dhaka 1205,
Opening Hour
Saturday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Monday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Friday Closed

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Integrated Aquaculture Promotion Program In the context of forming rural enterprises by mobilizing target poor farmers and women, the Duckweed technology is introduced to achieve high production of fish feed and fish utilizing fallow rural water bodies and other resources like unproductive labor and rural wastewater. Group formation, mobilization, training and credit management support is ensured to the rural beneficiaries for promotion of pisciculture.
Socio-Economic Development ProgramSocio Economic Development Program for inaccessible coastal areas, which are prone to reoccurring natural calamities. This program comprises of (a) Agriculture development Activities (b) Groups alternative income generation (c) Water supply, sanitation education and irrigation projects (d) Pisciculture development in the context of mobilizing rural poor into viable enterprises.Community Development Center Con... struction and OperationPRISM conducted a program for facilitation and construction of 10 community development centers doubling as shelters in emergencies at strategic location in the five coastal thanas, which are vulnerable to periodic calamities like cyclone and tidal waves.Unlike other centers being built community development centers are in constant use as foci for PRISM development activities in those areas. They serve as centers for storage of grain, neighborhood school, skill training center, health clinic, and village sanitation centers as well as office facilities for PRISM development staff. Three centers have been built by PRISM one each at Moheshkhali, Kutubdia and Chokoria
Intensive Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion ProgramBangladesh population density is one of the highest amongst the developing nations and it has very low sanitation coverage causing enormous environmental and health problems for the rural population. PRISM Bangladesh through social mobilization and interpersonal hygiene education aims to increase this coverage substantially to more than 80% of the population.
Micro Finance Services - Participatory Rural Credit ProgramIn order to ensure long-term economic development of the target beneficiaries in five coastal areas and promote viable/ sustainable Income Generating Activities (IGA) PRISM Bangladesh has initiated a participatory rural credit program in partnership with rural group members. Rural ventures identification, feasibility verification, credit approval, management and continuous technical assistance to ensure proper working of these rural enterprises are being provided by PRISM extension service in the field.The objectives of the credit program are to alleviate poverty through rural enterprise, increased production, generate employment and assist in capital formation for the target beneficiaries particularly women.
Arsenic Mitigation Water Supply ProjectPRISM Bangladesh has implemented the screening and mitigation activities and community mobilization program in Jhalakathi Sadar Thana of Jhalakathi District through local leader, professional, elites, teachers, union and word committees to aware the local people about arsenic and it’s hazards, identification of local resources, motivate and engage them to combat the problems created with arsenic contaminated water. Subsequently the community development and arsenic mitigation activities have also been carried out in the same area. Now, the people of the affected area are getting safe drinking water as the project has been installed deep tube wells.
Facilitation, construction and installation of Twin Pit Latrine in the Khulna Municipality AreaPRISM Bangladesh has implemented the facilitation, construction and installation of Twin pit latrine program in the Khulna Municipal Area, which was undertaken by LGED. The objectives of the program were to (a) raise the sanitation coverage in the city specially in the slum areas (b) increase the awareness of the communities on sanitation (c) minimize environmental pollution (d) reduce infectious diseases and stop bad odor in the city (e) stop night soil collection (f) get rid of bucket latrines.
Disaster Management ProgramPRISM Banladesh has implemented the Disaster management program with CARE Bangladesh as a Partner in Manikganj District involving the local community, leader, and elite, professional, etc. to aware the local people about natural disaster and hazards occur and combat the situation during and post disaster times.

Program and Projects (Implemented by PRISM)

Integrated Aquaculture PromotionIn the context of forming rural enterprises by mobilizing target poor farmers and women, Duckweed technology is introduced to achieve high production of fish feed and fish utilizing fallow rural water bodies and other resources like unproductive labor and rural wastewater. Group formation, mobilization, training, technical and credit management supports are ensured to the rural beneficiaries for promotion of pisciculture, through micro enterprise development.
Socio Economic Development ProgramSocio Economic Development Program for inaccessible coastal areas, which are prone to reoccurring natural calamities. This program comprises of (a) Agriculture rehabilitation and development activities; (b) Livelihood support income generating activities; (c) Rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion, non-formal education, rural and coastal afforestation projects; (d) Pisciculture development in the context of mobilizing rural poor into viable enterprises; and (e) Micro financing and micro credit activities.
Intensive Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion ProgramBangladesh is one of the highest densely populated country amongst the developing nations. The country has very low sanitation coverage causing enormous environmental and health problems for the rural population. PRISM Bangladesh through social mobilization and interpersonal hygiene education aims to increase this coverage substantially to 80% of the population. PRISM carried out sanitation programme in Ramgoti and Raipur Upazila of Laksmipur District and Sudharam of Noakhali District. PRISM is still implementation the same program in its own program areas in different district.
Community Development Center Construction and OperationPRISM Bangladesh conducted a program for facilitation and construction of 10 community development centers doubling as shelters in emergencies at strategic location in the five coastal thanas, which are vulnerable to periodic calamities like cyclone and tidal waves.
Unlike other centers being built, community development centers are in constant use as foci for PRISM development activities in those areas. They serve as centers for storage of grain, neighborhood school, skill training center, health clinic, and village sanitation centers as well as office facilities for PRISM development staff. Three centers have been built by PRISM one each at Moheshkhali, Kutubdia, Chokoria Thanas of Cox’s Bazar District.

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