Saturday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Sunday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Monday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Tuesday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Wednesday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Thursday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Friday | Closed |
Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College has been a luminous name in the expansion of girls’ education in the country. The success of legendary college led to the establishment two other girls’ cadet colleges. With the passage of time, Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College has been advanced a lot not only in the academic field but also in Information Technology. Giving more emphasis on the dream to make the country fully digital, the class room teaching equipments have been modernized and technology dependent. All class rooms, computer lab, departments, cadet houses, administrative offices and residential buildings of teachers have been brought under internet connection. To keep pace with the rest of the world, cadets have been given access to browse the net to enhance their knowledge. No doubt that the use of technology has brought an unusual flavor to class room teaching making cadets benefitted to a great extent. To make education in cadet college time befitting, teachers are being given training on modern teaching. Special attention has been given on English language teaching. By this time, the teachers of English department and other subject teachers finished their training respectively CiSELT and CLIL under British Council. I firmly hope that everybody will extend their helping hand and co-operation to keep this progression of success constant.
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