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Islamia Hospital Bangladesh

Islamia Hospital Farmgate Dhaka 1215
Opening Hour
Saturday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Monday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Friday Closed

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A new Operation Theatre Suite is over 15,000 square feet, and consists of ten new operation theatres. Together with the third currently-existing operation theatre wing, there will be a total of 17 surgical areas. The complex includes a pre-operative waiting area, post-operative recovery areas, an operation theatre store, and a Central Sterilization Department with the most modern of autoclaves and sterilizing equipment. New anaesthetic and monitoring machines with a central gas supply is also included. The whole area is centrally air conditioned, and each theatre has a laminar flow air system and HEPA filters to meet or exceed international standards.

New Electrical System: The original wiring has been replaced throughout the hospital with state-of-the-art electrical equipment. To meet the present and future needs, two large 400 kVA generators have been installed, together with a new 1000 kVA substation.

New General Ward: A section of the hospital has been remodeled to provide a clean and welcoming environment for the general patients who need to stay in the hospital.

A new Outpatients for Oculoplasty and Glaucoma was opened in 2012 and consists of eight examination rooms, a Humphrey Visual Field Analyser, and a Yag laser room. To provide space for the many patients of these departments, the former auditorium has been converted into a waiting hall.

A Guesthouse has been built for visitors and trainee doctors from other regions and countries. It consists of four rooms and a communal space. Already, a number of trainee surgeon ophthalmologists from China have been accommodated in this new facility.

New parking facility. A large parking space has been developed and landscaped close to the Private outpatients department.

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