40 Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed Sarani Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh. |
Saturday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Sunday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Monday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Tuesday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Wednesday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Thursday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Friday | Closed |
Incepta has a large distribution network that covers the whole country and make products available in every single drug store. The Distribution centers are located in 18 major cities across Bangladesh. Products are supplied on a daily basis to all the major cities and towns of the country. Remote areas are also supplied rhythmically to ensure timely availability of products to all customers.
There is a large fleet of transport including refrigerator trucks for supplying temperature sensitive products to retail shops around the country. Cold chain system is employed to products which need strict temperature control. Storage of these products are also maintained using refrigerators with back up power supply to ensure maintenance of standardized environment.
Address of our distribution centers
DhakaDepot-In-Charge: Md. Sarwar Uddin40, Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed SharaniTejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208Phone: 8837576-84, Fax: 8837585Mobile: 01714-165707E-mail: Dhaka@inceptapharma.com
SylhetDepot-In-Charge: Kh. A.T.M Shazzad Hossain75, Housing EstateAmbarkhana, SylhetMobile:01714-165715, 01714-165716Phone: 0821-725756E-mail: sylhetinc@gmail.com
ChittagongDepot-In-Charge: Md. Golam Mostafa553, O. R. Nizam Road, DamparaThana: Kotoyali, ChittagongRgs.Tel: (031)0907-4488022(T&T)Mobile: 01714-165703Phone: 031-625550, 285987E-mail: chittagonginc@gmail.com
ComillaDepot-In-Charge: Md. Arab Ali Khan502/Ka, Nazrul AvenueKandirpar-1, ComillaMobile: 01714-165704, 01732199068Phone: 081-67830E-mail: comillainc@gmail.com
RajshahiDepot-In-Charge: Fakir Alinur IslamChandipur, BuripukurP.S.: Rajpara (East of Index Plaza)G.P.O- 6000, RajshahiMobile: 01714-165713 Phone: 0721-770626E-mail: rajshahiinc@gmail.com
BarisalDepot-In-Charge: Md. Rois UddinHouse No. 725/123, Politechnic RoadAlekanda, BarisalMobile: 01714-165700Phone: 0431- 64233E-mail: barisalinc@gmail.com
KhulnaDepot-In-Charge: Md. Sadequl Islam7, Mirzapur Road,Khulna-9100Mobile: 01714-165708Phone: 041-721396E-mail: khulnainc@gmail.com
RangpurDepot-In-Charge: Md. Fazlur RahmanHouse# 655/1,Shatgara RoadNear M P Cheakpost, Dhap, RangpurMobile-01714094077Phone : 0521-61485E-mail: rangpurinc@gmail.com
MaguraDepot-In-Charge: Md. Jalal Uddin FerozC/O, Prof. Mahfuzur RahmanKeshob More,West Para, MaguraMobile: 01714-165709Phone: 0488-62996E-mail: magurainc@gmail.com
BograDepot-In-Charge: Md. Nesar HasanEidgah Lane (Near Central High School)Sutrapur, BograMobile : 01714-165701Phone: 051- 61155E-mail: bograinc@gmail.com
MoulavibazarDepot In-Charge: Md. Aktheruzzaman KhanC/O Md. Emaul HaqueAl-Kadri Complex, Dhaka-Sylhet Trank RoadP.S.: Moulavibazar Sador, MoulavibazarMobile: 01714-165702Tel: 0861-63589E-mail: moulavibazarinc@gmail.com
MymenshinghDepot-In-Charge: Md. Habibur RahmanC/O Al-Hajj Md. Ismail Hossain27/1 Maskanda, MymensinghMobile: 01714-165710Phone: 091-64263E-mail: mymenshinghinc@gmail.com
NoakhaliDepot-In-Charge: Md. SanaullahHouse # 8, Road # 36Housing Estate Maizdi CoartNoakhali. Mobile-01714-165712Phone: 0321-62050E-mail: noakhaliinc@gmail.com
Cox'sbazarDepot-In-Charge: Md. Mahabub HossainC/O, Md. Nurul AlamHouse No# 53, Kabarstan RoadTaraboniar Chara, Cox's BazarMobile-01714-165705Phone: 0341-63596E-mail: coxsbazarinc@gmail.com
NarayangonjDepot-In-Charge: Md. Yiar HossainCity Center, C/O Mokter AhmedPlot No-873, Link Road South Sostapur(Opposite of New Jelkhana) Fatullah, NarayangonjMobile: 01714-165711 Phone: 7635194E-mail: narayangonjinc@gmail.com
TangailDepot-In-Charge: Md. Mannan NuriNurun Nahar Niketon Holding No: 523Kagmari Road, College Para, TangailMobile: 01714165755Phone: 092161326E-mail: tangailinc@gmail.com
JessoreDepot-In-Charge: Md. Rezaul KarimMoholla-Ghop, Central Road, Holding No-Old-50New-576, Word No - 3, Kobi Golam Mostafa RoadP.S: Kotwali, JessoreMobile: 01713380074E-mail: jessorinc@gmail.com
DinajpurDepot-In-Charge: Md. Anjum HossainFA House, House# 80, Block# 07, UposhaharP.S: Kotwali, Dinajpur 5200Mobile: 01714165714E-mail: dinajpurinc@gmail.com
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