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Bangladesh National Zoo (Dhaka Zoo)

Dhaka Zoo
Dhaka, Mirpur,
Established: 1974
Opening Hour
Saturday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM

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Animal At Zoo Research & Training Laboratory


The necessity for establishment of Zoological garden and Botanical Gardens in the erstwhile province of East Pakistan was felt at the very inception of Pakistan in the year 1947 as there was no such garden in the province. This was receiving attention of the Government science 1947. In 1947 dire necessity of establishing a state owned zoological garden was felt. A zoo park was being started at High court premises of Dhaka with a limited number of spotted deer, monkeys and few other species of animals. A master plan was approved with a view to establish a zoological garden at Mirpur in 1960.

An advisory board was constituted for establishment and proper management of zoo next year. The zoo was opened on June 23, 1974 after necessary construction and procurement of animals from home and abroad. Till then it has been gradually grown into a beautiful and attractive zoological garden exhibiting animals in natural settings using modern method of keeping.

In February 05th, 2015 has been changed the name of Dhaka Zoo as Bangladesh National Zoo.

Main objectives of Bangladesh National Zoo are wildlife conservation through collection and breeding of rare and endangered species of wild animals, research & education and recreation. Conservation of wild animal's diversity, education and research on wild animals and promotion of public awareness about these species of animals. All the exhibits are correctly named and described. Endangered and extinct species are illustrated with elaborate description along with.

About 4 million visitors visit Bangladesh National Zoo every year. It is a center for healthy recreation of peoples of all ages and corners. Calm environment of the zoo attracts people to gate relief from the bustle and monotony of urban life.

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