House # 562, Road # 08, Mirpur DOHS, Mirpur-12, Dhaka-1216 Bangladesh |
Established: 1999 |
Saturday | 9:00 AM-6:00 PM |
Sunday | 9:00 AM-6:00 PM |
Monday | 9:00 AM-6:00 PM |
Tuesday | 9:00 AM-6:00 PM |
Wednesday | 9:00 AM-6:00 PM |
Thursday | 9:00 AM-6:00 PM |
Friday | 9:00 AM-6:00 PM |
Make Handicraft Product
Dhaka Handicrafts is an independent non-profit, non-political local organization designed to assist impoverished and disadvantages rural artisan families to attain self –sufficiency and to protect and market traditional craftsmanship.
Dhaka Handicrafts (DH) started its journey under the registration of joint stock Company in Bangladesh as “Company limited by Guarantee” on August 25, 1999.
Former EDM Handicrafts (Enfants du Monde- Handicrafts) has been transformed in the name of Dhaka Handicrafts. It was a project, initiated by Enfants du Monde- Bangladesh, a Swiss non-governmental organization with headquarter in Geneva.
Dhaka Handicrafts is a craft producing and exporting organization that has expanded its business throughout the world on the basis of fair trade principles. The organization promotes craft products through enhancing the skills of rural artisans in Bangladesh. Dhaka Handicrafts exports basketry items made from cane, bamboo, date and palm leaves and hogla fiber, as well as terra cotta items and other decorative products.
All products are produced after careful analysis of western taste and demands in terms of design and materials. The primary goal is to maintain high quality products for which artisans are paid fairly. Dhaka Handicrafts deals with its artisans in a transparent manner, and seeks to improve their social and economic well-being. Self-reliance is encouraged through a savings plan for artisans.
Caring for the producers with the motto “producers’ first”, Dhaka Handicrafts Ltd.has been carrying out activities geared towards welfare of the artisans. The company imparts training for skill development, provide education support and render economic assistance for other income generating activities so that they are encouraged to afford the educational expenses of their girl child. Support to pregnant mothers for a period of three months after delivery of child is an initiative of helping them to maintain post natal care and nutritional status for breastfeeding.Producers, as the core of the all activities, have been provided due recognition of the increasing. The organization has been trying to respond to various socio-economic needs of the producers. To communicate and share with the producers, several rounds of consultative workshops and events have been organized.
Regular flow of orders from the buyers as well as their suggestions and advices on design innovations continuedare very instrumental for sustenance and growth of business. The company is committed to the principles of fair trade and artisan welfare. Despite fluctuations of market and variance in export flow caused by al recession, the company could maintain a steady growth and profit in the year.
The company has been utilizing eco-friendly technologies in order to maintain a pollution free friendly working environment. It always tries to ensure adequate health and safety measures of the employees and producers that are compatible with the safety standards. Providing appropriate instruments (e.g. spectacles, gloves) and creating awarenesson workplace accidents and health hazards, we have been trying to maintain an eco-friendly working environment.
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