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Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB)

Sher-E-Bangla Nagar,
Opening Hour
Saturday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Monday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Friday Closed

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In 1960 the Directorate of technical Education was established for development of technical and vocational education. The Directorate of Technical Education initiated rapid development and expansion works of degree, diploma and trade level technical education in the country.
To cope up with increasing magnitude of academic activities, the need for establishment of a “Statutory Board” was keenly felt. A statutory body namely “The East Pakistan Technical Education Board” was established through Act. No. 1 of 1967 of the then East Pakistan Assembly, which is how Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB).
Thus the Bangladesh Technical Education Board came into existence with the jurisdiction over the entire area of Bangladesh to organize, supervise, regulate, control and develop technical and vocational education. The Board in its present form became operative with effect from June 1969.

Following are the Purpose of BTEBo Develop and prescribe courses off all curriculums.o Arrange for development of learning materials.o Grant recognition to education institutions offering its courses.o Prescribe conditions governing admission of students.o Monitor the teaching-learning activities.o Hold, conduct and regulate examination of affiliated institutions: ando Award diplomas and certificates to the successful candidates.

• To prescribe the courses of instruction.• To arrange for development of learning materials.• To grant, with-hold or with-draw the affiliation to the concerned institutions.• To prescribe the conditions governing the admission and transfer of students.• To prescribe the manner and mode or inspection.• To monitor the teaching-learning processes/activities.• To control and giving registration of students.• To conduct and regulate the examination, evaluate the performance and publish results thereof.• To create and distribute Academic transcript, certificates after publication of results.• To grant Diploma/Certificate to the passed out graduates.• To arbitrate of arrange arbitration between teacher and management of the affiliated institutions.• To regulate and decide all administrative matters including creation and abolition of posts of BTEB.• To fix demand and receive such fees as may be prescribed by the regulation.• To hold and manage endowments and to institute and award scholarships medal & prizes.• To perform such other acts/activities and things as it may be considered necessary for the purpose of organizational regulation, supervision, control, management and development of Technical Education.

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