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12th, Floor, Sonartori Tower, Plot # 12, Biponon C/A
Sonargaon Road, Dhaka - 1000, Bangladesh
Opening Hour
Saturday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Monday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Friday Closed

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Around late 1987, a renowned business professional of our country, first floated the idea of forming of forming an association of the Computer Industry which could serve as a common base for this industry to express its views to the Government. The idea was that by forming a group or an association the interest of the group would be served better. He was joined by other like minded forward looking persons and the first association took it shape with the formation of ad-hoc committee comprised of 11 companies. Mr.S M Kamal, who was the first to have the idea of the association, was selected as the Founder President, Mr.Aftab Ul Islam as the Vice President. These sponsor members played a pivotal role in bringing IT into national importance it enjoys today. Around 1991, a draft Memorandum and Article of Association was prepared. It was then translated to Bangla and approved to comply with the existing rules and regulations of the Government. Bangladesh Computer Samity is the only licensed and registered body representing all the hardware and softwares vendors of our country. It is also the only Authorized Information Technology Association in Bangladesh. As part of its expansion drive and also to greater area of influence BCS later on became members in different associations. It became a Category A member of the Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the apex business body of our country. It also joined international ICT bodies as in WITSA and ASOCIO. To unite and encourage all computer vendors to join in one platform for achieving their common interest To unit and encourage cooperation amongst companies, firms and industries To seek cooperation among all the members in the ICT business To safeguard the interest of its members and their development To boost/encourage, promote and diversify effective use of Computer in Bangladesh To render expert advise to the concerned authorities on computer technology and its implication of the economy of Bangladesh To make representation to the Government and related bodies on behalf of BCS members with a view to reduce bottlenecks, grievances, anomalies and meeting legitimate demands To discuss and promote legislative support and other measures connected to or having bearing on the business. To unite and encourage all computer vendors to join in one platform for achieving their common interest To unit and encourage cooperation amongst companies, firms and industries To seek cooperation among all the members in the ICT business To safeguard the interest of its members and their development To boost/encourage, promote and diversify effective use of Computer in Bangladesh To render expert advise to the concerned authorities on computer technology and its implication of the economy of Bangladesh To make representation to the Government and related bodies on behalf of BCS members with a view to reduce bottlenecks, grievances, anomalies and meeting legitimate demands To discuss and promote legislative support and other measures connected to or having bearing on the business.

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