10/11 Eastern Plaza, Sonargaon Road Hatirpool, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh |
Saturday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Sunday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Monday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Tuesday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Wednesday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Thursday | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Friday | Closed |
Bangladesh Chemical Society (BCS) was first was established as a learned society in 1972 soon after the liberation of Bangladesh. The initiative was taken by a group of academicians of the Departments of Chemistry and the Departments of Applied. Chemistry of the Universities in Bangladesh and scientists of the Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Banglaesh Atomic Energy Commission. Notable among them were Professor M. H. Khundkar (DU), Professor Mofizudding Ahmed (DU), Professor S. Z. Haider (DU), Professor M. A. Nawab (DU), Professor M. M. Huque (JNU), Professor Kazi A. Latif (RU), Professor A.Q. Chowdhury (BUET), Professor A. K. Shamsuddin (CU), Professor S.S.M.A. Khorasani (DU), Dr. Erfan Ali (BCSIR), and Dr. Shamsul Huque (AEC). A constitution was drafted by an ad-hoc committee, and was adopted in a general meeting of the chemists invited by an open announcement.
The membership of the Society is open to graduates in chemistry, applied chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, soil chemistry and any other subject related to chemistry. At present, the Society has over 3500 members, who are engaged in various professions involving chemistry in academic institutions, research organizations, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, civil service, etc. The objectives of the society as laid down in its constitution is to promote chemistry education and chemical research in the country with the ultimate aim of improving the industrial and technological output of the country, and to protect the professional interests of the chemists and chemical technologists in the country.
The activities of the Society are managed by an Executive Committee (EC), elected for a two-year term by postal ballot. The EC consists of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, a General Secretary, two Joint Secretaries, an Organizing Secretary, a Publicity Secretary, a Social Welfare Secretary, and 12 members. The central office of the Society is in Dhaka.
The Society has 9 regional branches, located in various parts of the country. A minimum of 20 members in a particular region may form a regional branch of the Society. In addition to this, the Presidents of all regional branches are Ex-officio members of the EC.
Life membership is offered to those who pay ten years’ membership fees in one installment. Honorary Fellowship is offered to chemists of international repute or to those who have made notable contribution towards development of chemistry in Bangladesh. Chemists having professional experience of at least 20 years are eligible for Fellowship of the Society. Gold Medals are awarded to chemists for outstanding
achievements in chemical education and research and services to the community of chemists in the country.
To realize the objectives, the society is engaged in the following activities:
(i) Scientific conferences: the society holds a scientific conference annually. On alternate years, the conference is now termed as Bangladesh Chemical Congress, to which scientists from both home and abroad are invited to deliver plenary lectures as well as to make oral presentations. The biennial Congresses are usually three-day programmes. The recent congresses were participated by more than 500 scientists including foreign participants. The annual general meeting of the society is held during the conference
(ii) Publications: The society publishes a scientific journal, the Journal of Bangladesh Chemical Society, in which original research works in chemistry and related fields are published. Articles are peer-reviewed before acceptance for publication. Two issues are published annually
The society also publishes a magazine 'Rosayan', the Bangla word for chemistry. Popular articles relating to chemistry are published in this magazine. Two issues are published annually
The society also publishes a news bulletin twice every year, and this is circulated among all members.
(iii) The society has founded an Institute of Chemists and Chemical Technologists. This institute has the ultimate objective of offering refresher courses and training programmes to persons engaged as professional chemists and awarding them diplomas. Till now, it has been holding workshops on specific topics such as those related to chemical industries and environmental pollution.
(iv) The society holds seminars and reception programmes to honour chemists for their outstanding performances.
(v) The society makes efforts to protect the interests of professional chemists when the need arises. It actively participated in a movement for the repeal of an article in the drug ordinance of the country, which created discrimination between chemists and pharmacists.
(vi) The society is a founder member of the Federation of the Biological and Chemical Societies of Bangladesh
(vii) Bangladesh Chemical Society is member of IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemists) as well FACS (Federation of Asian Chemical Societies.) and FBCS (Federation of Biological and Chemical Societies of Bangladesh).
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